Ontario One Call Service Announcement


Published on: 14/04/2015

Please note that on April 13th, 2015 ON1Call will be making a feature change to its system regarding ticket generation and segmentation.

Current functionality:

Tickets submitted by excavators on the web portal may be divided into multiple segments, which creates multiple tickets and notifications to ON1Call members. The purpose of this feature was to decrease notification received by members based on the lengthy segment identified by the system, but whose infrastructure is not located exactly in the area of the dig location.

This functionality has been identified to cause problems to both excavators and members as multiple tickets are created for one dig.

Change to functionality:

ON1Call will be removing this feature and will revert back to the system default which will not automatically divide tickets by segment. Multiple segments will now generate a single notification as before.

Excavators working on exceptionally long segments of road can plan their work by submitting locate requests based on the work that will be done in the nearest timeframe, this allows members of ON1Call to plan their locate responses.

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